Comprehensive touch software for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Some operating systems have native touch support for modern touch hardware others none at all. Where support is offered it may not always cater for specific configurations and desired functionality. Our driver software is there to fill the gaps and offer touch functionality where none exist, support legacy touch hardware or offer features for unusual hardware configurations not catered for by the native touch support. Coupled with TUIO and API application based interfaces our driver suite covers all touch requirements.

Operating system support

Operating system support

Our latest driver, UPDD V6, supports the main operating systems being Windows, MacOS, Linux and Android. The driver is under continuous development to offer more features and support additional operating systems. For other operating systems, such as Windows CE, Solaris etc we currently offer UPDD V5. Future releases of UPDD V6 will offer additional OS support.
Device support

Device support

UPDD supports all modern HID devices but also offers support for legacy serial and non-HID USB devices. Support for legacy hardware extends the life of older touch equipment allowing it to be used in the latest operating system releases.
Multiple touch interfaces

Multiple touch interfaces

Touch functionality can be utilised at the standard native operating system level or at an application level. To this end the UPDD software suite can interface with the underlying system or applications in many different ways such as OS virtual mouse and multi-touch HID interfaces or application specific such as TUIO and UPDD API offering total application touch control.
TUIO Server

TUIO Server

TUIO (Tangible User Interface Object) is an open protocol for the communication of data from devices such as a multi-touch display. The protocol includes touch events and object locations. TUIO uses a client/server model for communicating this data, so any program that is a TUIO client can receive touch or object data from any TUIO server.


Application Programming Interface

Application Programming Interface

UPDD implements a comprehensive API interface that is available under all operating systems. The API caters for applications to interface with every aspect of the driver functionality, allowing for applications to directly interface with the touch device rather than indirectly via mouse emulation or native system interfaces. Example source code is available on our support page.


Open platform support

Open platform support

Designed and written to be cross platform and utilising the latest application development tools ensures the latest release of our software is available across all supported platforms. Further, we have built into our drivers comprehensive debugging and diagnostics tools to assist with support and maintenance and help identify any issues that may arise, be it system or hardware related.
Consultancy services

Consultancy services

Touch-Base has been at the forefront of touch driver development for over 30 years and has built up an incredible wealth of touch related knowledge. Apart from offering off the shelf driver solutions we offer advice and consultancy services, either hardware or application related.