Custom UPDD driver download for macOS

This page can be used to create a custom driver with information automatically gathered from your system or manually requested. If you already have a UPDD V6 driver license on your system the license will be retained, otherwise a trial version of the driver will be installed.

Automatic Identification

To identify the touch device connected to your system download and run the USB device identification utility for macOS >10.8 systems.

The utility will identify any known USB touch devices found on your system or allow you to select the USB touch device from the full list of USB devices. Once selected you will be emailed a link to the trial driver. This procedure is described in full here.

Manual Identification

Alternatively use this section to request a USB or Serial driver.

For UPDD supported devices you will be automatically emailed a link to the trial driver.

In all other cases you will be contacted separately with a custom built driver or asked for more details.

Verify E-mail:
Operating system:
Monitor / Touch device: